Outreach Numbers since 2022

What is projectREACH?
projectREACH is an ongoing evangelism outreach effort across the United States and Canada. This campaign will unite Adult & Teen Challenge centers and volunteers with local churches, nonprofits, government agencies, and civic organizations through planned activities and events, while creating a platform to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to reach thousands of people, in hundreds of communities.
Together we can put hope within REACH of the broken lives of men, women, and teens who are struggling with life-controlling issues.

Why Go Now?
Since 1958, evangelism has been at the core of the Adult & Teen Challenge DNA. Now, over 60 years later, our world desperately needs that same hope-filled message. In the United States alone, over 40 million people suffered from diagnosed addictions and more than 100,000 lives were cut short by drug overdoses. The nation is reeling from the social and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. People are hurting and looking for answers, many of them in the wrong places. In fact, only 7 percent of non-Christians think the church is capable of solving society’s problems.
What Will We Do?
At Adult & Teen Challenge, we are burdened by these numbers and believe that God is calling us to ministry to people chained in the cycle of addiction. By the grace of God and your help, projectREACH will achieve the following:
- Mobilize centers in the U.S. and Canada, connecting with local partners to identify and address problems in their specific communities.
- Provide REACH training, a series of short, free videos teaching volunteers about the basics of sharing their faith.
- Equip your outreach team with detailed event ideas and descriptions and marketing materials to assist you as you plan and execute your event.
- Share the gospel of Jesus Christ through purposeful outreach activities and events.

Want to Get Involved?